International Workshop on Multi-Cloud Applications and Federated Clouds (MultiCloud 2013)
April 22, 2013
Workshop Co-chairs
Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Aims and objectives
Cloud computing is becoming day by day wider providing a vibrant technical environment where innovative solutions and services can be created. Cloud promises cheap and flexible services to end-users. However, Cloud business models and technologies introduce critical issues, such as proprietary API, lack of interoperability, unpredictable performance, and unexpected outages.
The abilities to use multiple Clouds and to migrate, at design or at run-time, applications from one Cloud to another could mitigate the risk of Cloud adoption and would allow building high performance and reliable applications.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who investigate concepts, models and tools for running applications on multiple and heterogeneous Cloud systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Performance, availability, and scalability of Cloud services
- Model-driven design for multi-cloud applications
- Dynamic capacity allocation and load balancing for applications running on multiple Clouds
- Auto-scaling techniques
- Cloud federations and interoperability among Clouds
- Job scheduling and workload placement in multi-cloud environments
- Self-management solutions for multi-Clouds and run-time selection of Cloud services
- Portability of Cloud based applications
- Open-source support for Cloud computing
- Early prototyping, automatic code generation, and automatic deployment of applications on multi-Clouds
- Risk analysis for Cloud, multi-Cloud and federated systems
Intended audience
Researchers and practitioners, both from the Academia and from the Industry, working in the areas of Cloud system development, performance evaluation and management, model-driven design, and self-adaptation.
Original contributions are invited to be reported to the event. The paper can have up to 8 pages in the two-column ACM conference style. The accepted papers will be published within the proceedings of the ACM Digital Library. Best papers authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue on Cloud computing by the Springer Computing Journal.
Submission system
Full paper submissions: 3 February 2013 (extended)
Notifications: 18 February 2013
Camera ready: 28 February 2013 (hard deadline)
Registrations: 7 April 2013
Event: 22 April 2013
Program Committee
- Pierre Guisset, ERCIM, France
- Geir Horn, SINTEF, Norway
- Keith Jeffery, STFC, UK
- Anne Koziolek, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Peter Matthews, CA Technologies, Spain
- Leire Orue Echevarria, TECNALIA, Spain
- Dana Petcu, West University and Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania
- Hangwei Qian, VMWare, USA
- Arnor Solberg, SINTEF, Norway
- Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Jointly organized by FP7-ICT projects MODAClouds ( and PaaSage (